J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is regarded by many as the most significant voice of our times and as one who has had a most profound impact on human consciousness. Dedicating his life entirely to sharing his insights on the human condition, he travelled constantly around the world, giving talks to thousands of listeners, writing, holding discussions with the brightest minds of the century, or just sitting silently with those who sought his compassionate and healing presence.
Sage, philosopher and thinker, Krishnamurti illumined the lives of millions the world over—intellectuals and laymen, young and old. It has been estimated that he talked to more people than any other person in recorded history. His material legacy, consisting chiefly of recordings of his talks and dialogues, is vast.
And yet Krishnamurti had no ‘philosophy’ to expound; rather, he confronted boldly the problems of contemporary society and analysed with scientific precision the workings of the human mind.

Here are some quotes that provide a glimpse of the profound insights into the human condition. For an in-depth exploration of the teachings, his books and videos are the best source.
Explore the teachings here.
Krishnamurti’s teachings encompass the whole of human existence, and in his talks and writings and discussions, he touches upon every aspect of it, going from the particular to the general, from the superficial to the sublime. It is not possible to put his teachings in a nutshell, as many would want it. Nor is it possible to isolate one talk or book by Krishnamurti as containing the essence of his teachings. One can only point out to another some basic books or videos as a starting point. It is in this spirit that KFI has brought out a new publication:
Teachings of Life—Pocket Edition.