It was in the year 1929 that Krishnamurti spelt out his one point mission––‘to set man unconditionally free’. It was a mission that seemed to fulfill itself wherever he was and wherever he went, its intensity remaining undiminished by time and circumstance and, in fact, gathering new energy and momentum as his age advanced.
Krishnamurti’s growing concern towards the end of his life that people must be ‘soaked in the teachings’ found expression in the statements he made about Study Centres. Dedicating his home ‘Vasanta Vihar’ to posterity before his death, he said: ‘It must last a thousand years, unpolluted, like a river that has the capacity to cleanse itself.'
Located close to the beach where, as a boy, he was discovered and proclaimed the world teacher, this peaceful, tree-filled, six-acre campus has been associated with Krishnamurti’s life and work from the 1930s. It was one of the places in the world where he gave public talks for six decades. It was also the venue of his last talk.
He wanted his home to become a Study Centre and the chief centre for preserving and publishing his works. As headquarters of the Krishnamurti Foundation India, Vasanta Vihar, in the heart of Chennai, is the hub of many activities, which include managing schools and study centres promoting rural education and health, and conserving the environment.