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    The Awakening of Intelligence

    ₹595.00 Regular Price
    ₹357.00Sale Price
    • 620 Pages, Size - Demmy

      When thought sees that it is incapable of discovering something new, that very perception is the seed of intelligence, isn’t it?  That is intelligence: ‘I cannot do.’  I thought I could do a lot of things, and I can in a certain direction, but in a totally new direction I cannot do anything.  The discovery of that is intelligence.

      This comprehensive record of J. Krishnamurti’s teachings is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the insights of the great philosopher and religious teacher.  Apart from existential issues such as violence, insecurity, conflict, pleasure, fear,  and suffering, Krishnamurti examines larger but related questions, such as the role of the guru (with Professor Jacob Needleman); the traditional methods prescribed by Vedanta (with Swami Venkatesananda); the problem of good and evil (with Alain Naude); and the relationship between thought and intelligence (with Dr. David Bohm). First published in 1973, this book contains, apart from Krishnamurti’s public talks and answers to questions from the audience, his incisive dialogues with some of the eminent minds of his time.


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