Take a retreat at Vasanta Vihar

Scheduled Retreats

This two-day programme conducted in the last weekend of the month consists of formal dialogues around a theme, informal conversations, video-screenings of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions, time for study, reflection, and silence.

Participants are welcome to stay a few days more, either before or after the retreat, if they so wish. The number of participants is limited.
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The half-day retreat is held on second Sunday of the month. It begins at 9.30am with a video-screening of a Krishnamurti talk / discussion and is followed by a dialogue and culminates in lunch.

This is held on the first and third Sunday of the month. The selection of videos includes new archival videos that have not been screened before.

The video screening begins at 6.00pm. The theme of the video is put up on our website.

Special Retreats

Immersion Retreat

This retreat is meant for those who are keen to spend a long time going into themselves in the light of Krishnamurti’s teachings, by making use of The Study, reading books, watching videos, and taking part in dialogues with others. It is open mainly for those who cannot afford to pay for their board and lodging, such as students, unemployed youth, and sannyasis,  and  is offered at the discretion of the Foundation, which also decides on the duration of the retreat.  

Those  interested may write to us stating their background and why they are keen on taking this retreat.

Curated Retreat

Groups and organizations have a need to explore certain aspects of their conditioning based on their particular area of interest. We will be happy to work with you to put together a retreat that will meet your specific needs. However, we must caution here that these retreats are not filled with activities but are focussed on enquiring about our human condition


To be part of the Immersion Retreat or to create a curated retreat, please write to us at vvstudy@kfionline.org.
